Prof. Bruce Hillowe

Bruce V. Hillowe, J.D., Ph.D. is a mental healthcare attorney with a law practice in Garden City, New York. A graduate of Binghamton University, Duke University School of Law, and Adelphi University Derner Institute (Clinical Psychology and Postdoctoral Programs), he formerly practiced as a psychologist-psychoanalyst, including as a coordinator of clinical training and director of a forensic mental health service. He was a teaching attending psychologist in law and ethics at a major teaching hospital for 15 years. He currently teaches courses in ethics and law as adjunct faculty at the Derner Institute. He is legal counsel to numerous mental health facilities, institutes, and practitioners and sponsors legal plans for professional associations. He has written articles and book chapters including for law reviews and healthcare publications, is listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers in healthcare law and is a “superlawyer” featured in the New York Times Magazine.

A Psychologist’s Take on Why Online Therapy Isn’t as Effective as the Real Thing

Click Here To Read: A Psychologist’s Take on Why Online Therapy Isn’t as Effective as the Real Thing: Opening …