Rachel B. Blass is a member and Training Analyst at the Israel Psychoanalytic Society, a member of the British Psychoanalytical Society, and formerly a professor of psychoanalysis in leading universities both in the UK and in Israel. She is also on the Board of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis where she is the editor of the Controversies section. She has published a book and over 80 articles which elucidate the foundations of psychoanalysis and their role in contemporary analytic thinking and practice, offer close readings of Freud’s texts and the evolution of his ideas, and clarify how Kleinian psychoanalysis grounds and advances these ideas. In recent years a special focus of her writing and teaching has been on making what is unique to London Kleinian thinking and practice more accessible to analysts from other traditions. She has lectured, taught and offered clinical seminars in many countries and her writings have been translated into 15 languages.